Kutools for word license name and code
Kutools for word license name and code

  • Select Embed Visio Object Paragraphs: selects all paragraphs which contain embed Visio objects.
  • Select Embed Word Object Paragraphs: selects all paragraphs which contain embed Word objects.
  • Select Equations: selects all paragraphs which contain Word equations.
  • Select Non-heading Paragraphs: selects all paragraphs except the paragraph is using the built-in heading styles in the selection or whole documents.
  • Note: Only the paragraph with the built-in heading style can be selected.
  • Select Heading Paragraphs: selects all heading paragraphs in the selection or whole documents.
  • Select Shorter Paragraphs: selects all paragraphs which contains less than a specified number of characters in the selection or whole document.
  • kutools for word license name and code

    Select Blank Paragraphs: selects all blank paragraphs in the selection or whole document.Select Paragraphs: A collection of tools make the selection of various paragraphs much easier.See how Kutools for Word save your time in Word 2003, 2007, 20 The software is described below, arranged by the Ribbon group in which they appear.

    kutools for word license name and code kutools for word license name and code

    Kutools efficiently helps you handle the complicated and repeated operations when you process the Word documents, and save your time by boosting your work efficiency. Kutools for Microsoft ® Word is a powerful add-in that frees you from time-consuming operations which majority of Word users have to perform daily! It contains groups of tools for saving hours of your time! You can use it to rename document easily, copy document file and paste the document file to any file location as you want, insert captions, and so on.

    Kutools for word license name and code