The best way to simplify a complicated 3D printing model is to reduce its triangle mesh. Which program you use will depend on your own preferences, but both MeshLab and 3D-Tool can be used to effectively simplify 3D models for printing.

Another popular program is 3D-Tool, which is available in both free and paid versions. One popular program is MeshLab, which is free and open source. There are a few different software programs that can be used to simplify 3D models, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Both of these methods will reduce the quality of the print, but it can still be an effective way to print complex models. This can be done by reducing the number of polygons in the model, or by using a lower resolution.

One way to overcome this problem is to simplify the model before printing it. This is often due to the fact that 3D printers build up objects layer by layer, and complex models can be difficult to print with this method. 3D printing technology has come a long way in recent years, but there are still some limitations when it comes to printing complex models.